Who's Leave No Trace Dude?
Leave No Trace Dude is a new addition to the Outdoors Dudes group of web sites - some dudes sharing their outdoors experiences in simple and useful ways.
So, what about me? Let's see... Well, I don't have a long pony tail, I don't hug trees, and I enjoy taking a shower. If you're new to this LNT (Leave No Trace) stuff, you might think that's what the folks promoting it are like. Far from it! Just about everyone that stops for a minute and thinks about what LNT ethics are about agree with the principles. I'm just a pretty normal guy with a family and I want to help educate people to use the wild lands so they last.I'm a Master Educator of Leave No Trace ethics which means I attended a week-long study of the principles from the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics. I teach others to become LNT Trainers so they can present LNT workshops and educate people before they travel outdoors.
I hope your visit to this site is worthwhile and your view of how you affect the world around you becomes more focused. The information is all free to visitors - the ads from google help pay for the hosting costs.
When you're done here, stop by the other Outdoors Dudes sites and see what they have to say.